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RAKETA POLAR 2623 baltika

This is the Raketa Polar (полярный). The Polar model was especially designed for Soviet polar travellers after a state order in 1969. These watches were only made by special order and were not available for the general public. These watches are extremely rare and very hard to find in reasonable condition. They often have a broken glass and a damaged dial. This one is in fairly good condition and one of the top pieces in my collection. A mint example of this watch can be found in the collection of Alexander Brodnikovskogo who worked in the Petrodvortsovy Watch Factory from 1975 to 1983 Raketa Polar 1969.
Полярные акварель утверждено.jpg
Here is the Raketa Polar design sketch from December 1969 with a confirmation signature by deputy manager of 16 SAE Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Rogachev. 
The original Raketa in an advertisement together with the 2011, 2014 and 2016 model

Text and images copyright 2024 Soviet-Watches

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